How to Find Remote Jobs Online: Strategies for Success

published on 02 January 2024

Finding remote work can be challenging without an effective search strategy.

Luckily, by leveraging online job boards, networking, and social media, you can uncover fantastic remote job opportunities from the comfort of home.

In this comprehensive guide, you'll discover proven techniques for locating open remote positions, tips for customizing application materials, strategies for acing remote interviews, and resources to help you prepare for remote work success.

Introduction to Remote Job Hunting

Finding remote work can open up new opportunities and provide greater flexibility in your career. By leveraging online resources like job search websites, remote job boards, and tailored application materials, you can uncover fulfilling remote roles matched to your skills and interests.

This section outlines key strategies for conducting an effective remote job search online.

Exploring Websites for Remote Jobs

Websites dedicated specifically to remote work and flexible jobs can be great places to find openings suited to working from home. Here are two top sites to explore:


  • Specializes in screening and listing remote, part-time, and flexible job openings
  • Features full and part-time positions across diverse career fields
  • Requires paid subscription for full access to job listings

We Work Remotely

  • Focuses exclusively on remote employment opportunities
  • Free to search job listings and apply
  • Tech and creative-focused roles

Checking these niche remote work platforms expands your reach beyond broader mainstream job boards. The roles listed cater directly to location flexibility, allowing you to filter by factors like your skills, career level, and any preferences around remote work setup.

The Rise of Work from Home IT Companies

Remote opportunities in IT fields are growing exponentially. With increasing digitization across every industry, companies are realizing that tech roles do not require in-office work.

You can find open IT positions by:

  • Searching “remote” on broader tech job boards like Dice and StackOverflow
  • Following leading tech companies that have embraced remote work like GitLab, Automattic, and Elastic
  • Checking “best companies for remote jobs” lists, which often feature top tech employers

Focus on roles that align with your specific technical background and skills. For example, target back-end web developer jobs if that is your area of expertise.

Companies Always Hiring Work from Home

Certain large companies continually hire for remote positions across departments, making them a consistent source of potential openings.

Amazon stands out with regular remote work from home jobs in areas like:

  • Customer service
  • Software development
  • Project management
  • Data analysis
  • Marketing

Regularly check the Amazon remote jobs page and set up alerts to be notified of new relevant listings.

Other examples are companies like American Express, Dell, and Apple that have recently expanded remote work options.

How to Find Remote Jobs Online from Home

Conducting a remote job search fully online requires using all the tools technology offers:

  • Leverage AI - Use smart job search platforms like ZipRecruiter that algorithmically match you to openings
  • Optimize materials - Ensure your resume and cover letters are tailored with relevant remote work keywords
  • Prepare for video interviews - Get comfortable with common remote screening practices like recorded responses or video calls
  • Vet opportunities - Research companies thoroughly to avoid remote work scams and find the best culture fits

Also engage in online communities like Remote Work Reddit threads and remote worker blogs to get insider tips from others who have experience finding and thriving in remote roles.

Consistently putting effort into these areas will lead to finding fulfilling remote jobs aligned with your professional aspirations.

How can I work online remotely?

Working remotely can provide flexibility and convenience, but also comes with unique challenges. Here are some tips to help you succeed when working from home:

Establish a designated workspace

Set up a dedicated office area with proper lighting and minimal distractions. Having a separate workspace helps you mentally shift into "work mode".

Adhere to a routine

Get up and get ready for work as you would in an office. Follow a consistent daily schedule to delineate work and personal time.

Determine your optimal work hours

Identify when you are most productive and focus demanding tasks during those high-energy windows. Adjust your schedule if needed.

Take regular breaks

Step away from your computer periodically. Stretch, eat a snack, or chat with a friend. Short breaks boost productivity long-term.

Decide when your workday ends

Set a cut-off time in the evening and log off to maintain work-life balance. Silence notifications outside working hours.

Create a work-life balance

Engage in hobbies, connect with loved ones, and prioritize self-care. Blurring work and personal life can lead to burnout.

Determine your work style

Figure out if you thrive working solo or require social interaction. This affects what communication tools work best for you.

Communicate with coworkers

Proactively reach out to colleagues using messaging apps, video calls, or email. Make efforts to bond with team members remotely.

Does Amazon pay you to work from home?

Amazon offers some remote work opportunities, but not all Amazon jobs are work-from-home positions. Here are a few key things to know about Amazon and remote work:

  • Amazon has a Virtual Customer Service program that allows employees to work from home providing customer support. These remote jobs offer competitive pay and benefits.

  • Amazon also hires some remote software developers, project managers, and other corporate roles. These jobs require specific skills and experience.

  • Many Amazon warehouse jobs are location-based and do not allow remote work. Fulfillment center and delivery driver roles require being on-site.

  • Independent contractors can find remote work opportunities with Amazon through programs like Amazon Flex for delivery drivers. But these are not direct Amazon employee roles.

  • The average pay for Amazon's remote customer service roles falls in the range cited. But salaries can vary significantly across job types. Software engineering or managerial roles may pay more.

So in summary - Amazon does have legitimate remote job opportunities available, mainly in customer service and some select corporate functions. And they appear to pay reasonably well for certain remote positions. But not all Amazon jobs can be done from home. On-site warehouse and logistics roles are location-dependent. And independent contractor gigs may offer less stability than direct employment.

When searching for remote work from Amazon, focus on their Virtual Customer Service program as the main source of viable work-from-home opportunities currently available.

How do I get my job to be remote?

Getting your current job to transition to being remote starts with focusing on the benefits to your employer. Studies show that remote employees tend to be less distracted, more productive, and save companies money on office space and amenities.

Here are some tips for making the case to work remotely:

  • Highlight your reliable performance and productivity when working from home during the pandemic or for specific projects. Provide concrete examples and data showing how you were just as, if not more, effective than when working on-site.

  • Emphasize how working remotely allows you greater flexibility with your schedule. For example, without a daily commute, you're able to start working earlier or work later to better overlap with client availability.

  • Calculate potential cost savings from reduced office space needs and amenities like coffee, snacks, utilities, etc. Point out how these savings can be reallocated to other business priorities.

  • Offer solutions to common concerns like communication, collaboration, management oversight and ensuring you stay engaged as part of the team. Suggest regular video check-ins, use of productivity apps, providing detailed daily/weekly plans, etc.

  • Start small by proposing a trial hybrid schedule, like working remotely 2-3 days per week. This allows the company to test remote work capabilities before fully transitioning a role.

  • Be willing to negotiate and compromise to find the best arrangement. Don't demand full-time remote work right away. Meet leadership partway while still achieving your goal.

The key is focusing the conversation on mutual benefits and reassurances. With persistence and compelling arguments, you can likely get approval to transition your job into one with at least partial, if not full, remote work flexibility.

What to do when looking for remote job?

Here are 5 tips to strengthen your remote job search:

1. Know Where to Apply (and Where to Avoid)

When looking for remote jobs, it's important to know which job boards and platforms specialize in remote work opportunities. Generic job search engines likely won't have many legitimate remote job listings. Instead, focus your efforts on reputable remote work-specific job boards like FlexJobs,, and We Work Remotely. These sites vet employers to weed out scams and ensure the remote roles are high quality. Checking niche remote job boards for your industry can also uncover hidden gems.

2. Create an Online Brand to Stand Out

In the remote work world, you're often competing with candidates all over the globe for the same jobs. To make your application stand out, invest time cultivating an online personal brand that highlights your skills, experience, portfolio and passions. Maintain an updated LinkedIn profile and create content on relevant blogs and social media that demonstrates your subject matter expertise. When hiring managers review your application, your thoughtful online presence can give you an edge over other applicants.

3. Follow Top Remote Companies and Interact with Them

The best way to find remote jobs is to network directly with leading remote companies. Follow their social media accounts, company blogs and remote work job boards. Engage with their content by liking, commenting and sharing. You can also check if they have remote networking events or chat groups to join. Getting onto these companies' radars increases your chances of hearing about job openings early.

With remote work postings scattered across the web, it helps immensely to get organized from the start. Create a spreadsheet to track job applications and customize it with columns for company details, links to listings, application dates, notes and more. Set up email folders and browser bookmarks to save job ads for later. Taking the time to systematize your search makes it much easier to stay on top of opportunities.

5. Always Send Follow-Ups

After applying for a remote position, don't just cross your fingers and wait. Follow up within a week to reiterate your interest and check on the hiring timeline. Hiring managers are busy and applications can slip through the cracks. A quick, polite follow-up email can get their attention, keep you top of mind, and demonstrate your communication skills. Just avoid pestering recruiters with constant contacts.

Following these practical tips will help you navigate the remote job search strategically. With focus, effort and persistence, you can uncover amazing remote work opportunities suited perfectly to your skills and interests.


Remote job boards can be a great resource for finding remote work opportunities. Here are some tips for utilizing them effectively in your job search.

Utilizing General and Niche Remote Job Boards

General remote job sites like FlexJobs, We Work Remotely, and list openings across various industries and roles. These can help you get a broad overview of the types of remote jobs available.

Niche platforms focus on particular industries or job types. For example, sites like Remotive specialize in remote tech jobs, while Remote Nurse connects nurses to telehealth opportunities. Niche boards let you dive deeper into your field of interest.

When searching both general and niche sites, use relevant keywords and filters to find openings matching your background and skills. Checking new listings frequently can help you apply early before positions fill up.

Data Entry Remote Jobs and Beyond

While data entry is one common remote opportunity, many other roles can also be done remotely today. These include jobs in healthcare, marketing, education, finance, customer service, IT, and more.

Remote developer jobs in particular are increasingly in demand, as companies leverage telecommuting to access talent globally. Positions such as software engineers, web developers, and programmers often lend themselves well to remote work.

Be sure to browse openings beyond just data entry to find the best remote job fit for your capabilities. The remote landscape encompasses diverse skill sets across expanding industries.

How to Find Remote Jobs Online in the USA

If hoping to land remote work based in the United States, specifying location filters can help narrow opportunities. On some sites, you can select criteria such as "100% remote in the USA" or "US-based companies."

Networking within US-focused remote worker communities can also lead to new openings. For example, platforms like Remote Work Hub and USA Remote Jobs cater to American telecommuters. Conversations and connections made through these channels could yield exclusive chances to apply for stateside roles.

In additional to remote job boards, directly visiting the career pages of US companies that support distributed teams can uncover the latest home-based openings too.

Remote Job Search on Reddit

The Reddit community hosts various forums related to remote work, which members often use to post about job opportunities they come across. Subreddits like r/remotejobs, r/digitalnomad, and r/remotework feature new listings daily.

Reddit can supplement your search alongside formal remote job boards. Community members may share openings not posted elsewhere yet. Connecting with them can also provide a "inside look" at companies potentially hiring for remote roles.

When investigating Reddit leads however, vet any unfamiliar companies thoroughly before applying or sharing personal information. As with any online forum, some job posts could unfortunately be scams. But with proper precautions, Reddit can offer a valuable social augmentation to your broader remote job search.

Networking for Remote Jobs

Networking is an essential strategy for finding remote jobs. By developing connections in your industry, you expand your reach and open up more potential opportunities.

Building a Remote-Focused Professional Network

  • Join relevant LinkedIn groups and Facebook communities centered around remote work to connect with like-minded professionals. Engage regularly by commenting on posts, sharing insights, etc.

  • Attend virtual conferences and events to network with remote workers and recruiters in your field. Exchange contact info with new connections for future networking.

  • Connect with remote professionals on Twitter by following relevant hashtags like #remotejobs, #remotework, etc. and interacting with those tweeting job opportunities or career advice.

  • Use alumni networks from college, bootcamps, etc. to locate graduates now working remotely. Set up video chats to pick their brains about finding remote roles.

  • Check out Slack communities and Discord servers for your industry. Introduce yourself and describe your background to organically integrate into the existing conversations.

Social Media Job Search Techniques

Platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter enable you to connect with the right people and uncover hidden job opportunities:

  • Customize your LinkedIn profile to emphasize remote work capabilities and interests to attract relevant contacts and recruiters.

  • Follow companies that offer remote positions and turn on job alert notifications to apply early for new openings.

  • Use advanced search filters on LinkedIn to find "remote" jobs suited to your skills and background. Tailor your application materials to each role.

  • Tweet your interest in remote opportunities in your field. Engage with those that respond with advice and leads.

Remote Companies Share Tips on Networking

Check industry blogs and remote work sites for networking advice directly from companies themselves:

  • Remote companies often share tips for job seekers on standing out when networking online and connecting virtually.

  • Pay attention to suggestions around crafting personalized outreach messages and resumes tailored specifically to remote roles.

  • Note remote work skills companies recommend highlighting during virtual interviews and info sessions.

Remote Worker Q&A Sessions

Leverage online Q&A events with current remote employees to gain insider job search tips:

  • Attend virtual panels and fireside chats with remote workers in your target field and ask questions about how they landed their first remote gig.

  • Check job sites like FlexJobs for upcoming webinars featuring remote workers willing to share networking strategies and career advice.

  • Consult remote work blogs that interview successful remote employees about their job search journeys, especially regarding impactful networking tactics.

Crafting Tailored Application Materials

Guidance on creating personalized resumes and remote work cover letters that resonate with remote employers.

Designing a Personalized Resume for Remote Roles

When applying for remote jobs, it's important to customize your resume to highlight relevant skills and experience. Here are some tips:

  • Emphasize technical abilities. Remote employers want to see proficiency with collaboration tools, project management software, video conferencing platforms, etc.

  • Showcase soft skills. Communication, time management, self-motivation and other remote work soft skills should be demonstrated.

  • Tailor to the role. Research the company and role to shape your resume content accordingly. Align your skills and achievements to their needs.

  • Add a remote work section. Summarize your previous remote experiences, capabilities and preferred working style.

  • Optimize with keywords. Incorporate keywords from the job posting throughout your resume to get past automated filters.

The Art of the Remote Work Cover Letter

An effective cover letter should communicate why you're an ideal remote candidate. Tips include:

  • Highlight remote attributes. Explain how your skills, experience and work style align with remote work. Provide examples.

  • Convey enthusiasm. Share why you're excited about the role and working remotely for the company.

  • Describe ideal environment. Paint a picture of your remote workspace setup and how you operate effectively.

  • Emphasize communication abilities. Strong written and verbal communication is vital for remote work. Provide evidence of your capabilities here.

Remote Career Resources for Application Materials

There are many places to find templates, examples and advice for remote job applications:

  • Remote-specific job boards often provide guides - try FlexJobs, We Work Remotely
  • Blogs like FreeUp and frequently publish remote work resume and cover letter tips
  • Online courses like Remote Work Institute offer modules on creating tailored application documents
  • Consult remote workers in community forums for their application strategies

Submit Your Resume to Remote Job Boards

When uploading your resume to remote job sites, follow these best practices:

  • Keyword optimize your resume file name with role and industry terms
  • Use standard file types like PDFs and DOCs to ensure compatibility
  • Customize your resume for each application rather than batch applying
  • Check site guidance for any board-specific application advice

Following tailored, optimized application strategies can help your remote work job search succeed.

Mastering the Remote Interview Process

Remote interviews can feel intimidating, but being prepared can help you shine. Here are some tips for acing every step of the process.

Preparing for Video Interviews

When interviewing remotely, presenting yourself professionally on camera is key.

  • Make sure your camera is at eye level and focused on your face. Position yourself with a clean background and good lighting so you are clearly visible.
  • Dress professionally as you would for an in-person interview. This demonstrates you are taking it seriously.
  • Test your microphone, webcam, internet connection, and video conferencing software ahead of time to avoid any technical issues.
  • Look directly at the camera when speaking to make eye contact with your interviewers. Nodding and smiling also helps connect through the video medium.

Researching the Company Before the Interview

Thoroughly research the company, its mission, values, and culture so you can tailor your responses.

  • Study their website, press releases, leadership bios, and recent news articles. Get insight into priorities, challenges, and initiatives.
  • Browse their social media and GlassDoor to understand their brand image and employee experience.
  • Identify common themes in their content around goals, community engagement, remote work culture, etc.
  • Craft your answers to show how your skills and values align. Demonstrate genuine interest in contributing.

Remote Interview Practice and Preparation

Practice answering likely video interview questions out loud to polish your responses.

  • Use your research to predict questions around problem-solving, collaboration, communication, etc.
  • Record practice interviews with a friend and review them to improve your body language and tone.
  • Prepare stories highlighting remote work skills: independence, project management, communication tools, etc.
  • Plan for technical questions about your expertise. Brush up with online courses if needed.
  • Rehearse answers aloud until you can confidently convey key messages. Take notes for improvement.

When desperately job searching, it's important to avoid fraudulent remote job offers by doing due diligence.

  • Research the company online looking for evidence of legitimacy such as an established website, media coverage, social media history, etc.
  • Confirm company email domains match the website and use professional branding.
  • Review GlassDoor, LinkedIn, and Better Business Bureau for reviews and complaints.
  • Never provide personal financial information upfront before thoroughly vetting.
  • Ask detailed questions about operations, leadership, typical projects, etc. Legitimate recruiters can answer clearly.

Following structured interview best practices, researching the companies, practicing your presentation, and vetting job leads will help you land an excellent remote opportunity.

Learning and Development for Remote Careers

Exploring online courses and other resources to help you gain skills and knowledge for remote jobs.

Online Courses for Remote Job Readiness

Online courses are a great way to build your skills and prepare for remote work. Here are some top picks:

  • Udemy - Udemy has over 183,000 online courses covering everything from programming to marketing to personal development. Filter your search for remote work-related topics like "remote work," "freelancing," and specific skills like "social media marketing."

  • Coursera - Coursera partners with top universities and companies to offer over 4,000 courses online. Browse their career development courses for topics like "Technical Support Fundamentals," "The Strategy of Content Marketing," and more.

  • LinkedIn Learning - With over 16,000 online video courses taught by industry experts, LinkedIn Learning features courses on in-demand remote work skills like "Remote Work Foundations," "Online Teaching," and "Tech Skills for Non-Technical Professionals."

  • edX - edX provides free online courses from top institutions on subjects like web development, data science, marketing, and more. Their MicroBachelors programs offer an affordable way to gain job-ready skills.

  • FutureLearn - FutureLearn has online courses focused specifically on remote work skills like "How To Succeed At Interviews" and basics like "Digital Skills: The Internet."

The right online course can equip you with specialized remote work skills and knowledge to make you more competitive for your desired remote job.

Remote Work Articles and Blogs

Reading articles and blogs focused on remote work is a great way to stay on top of industry trends, discover new job opportunities, and gain helpful tips. Here are some top resources:

  • Remote Work Hub – Comprehensive blog covering remote work news, job listings, events, statistics, and more.

  • We Work Remotely – Popular remote work job board that also features remote work guides on topics like collaboration tools, productivity, and workspaces.

  • Zapier Blog – Zapier’s blog offers remote work tips on tools, communication strategies, time management, and leading distributed teams.

  • Blog – Insightful articles on remote work best practices across areas like hiring, company culture, productivity, and work/life balance.

  • The Muse – Mainly career-focused, The Muse regularly features remote work advice from experts on skill-building, resumes, interview prep, workplace issues, and more.

Following a few key remote work blogs and publications can provide you with a stream of actionable tips, career opportunities, and thought leadership content to stay informed.

Remote Workers Share Tips Through Blogs and Forums

In addition to expert-published remote work content, connecting with actual remote workers can provide helpful first-hand advice. Many share their experiences through:

  • Blogs – Remote workers often document their journeys through blogs discussing topics like landing clients, leading distributed teams, managing remote work/life balance, and more.

  • Reddit – Subreddits like r/digitalnomad, r/remotework, and r/remotejobs feature Q&As between remote workers about best practices.

  • Quora – Quora has an extensive question bank where remote workers provide tips on remote job search, interviewing, productivity tools, and other FAQs.

  • Forums – Sites like Remote Work Forum and Digital Nomads Forum enable remote workers to exchange ideas through threads on remote jobs, destinations, visas, and everyday remote work life.

By engaging with remote worker communities, you can learn from their direct experiences taking on remote work challenges first-hand across various roles, companies, and locations worldwide.

Accessing Remote Career Resources

If you’re struggling to find remote jobs or lack some prerequisite skills, many online platforms offer free remote career development resources:

  • Remote job boards – In addition to job listings, sites like FlexJobs, and We Work Remotely provide remote work guides, company spotlights, Q&As, and more.

  • Remote companies – Businesses with large remote workforces like GitLab and Buffer often publish extensive guides to remote communication, meetings, interviewing and other operations.

  • Conferences/events – Remote work conferences like Running Remote post presentation videos online after each event covering remote leadership, culture, tools, and more.

  • Newsletters – Newsletters like Remote Weekly and The Remote Clan share remote work news, job opportunities, tools, and tips each week.

  • Podcasts – Shows like The Remote Work Podcast and Working Remotely Radio share actionable advice across remote career topics through interviews with experts.

Taking advantage of these free remote career development materials can help you gain the required skills, knowledge, and exposure to be an attractive remote job candidate.

Conclusion: Your Pathway to Finding Remote Jobs Online

Finding remote jobs online requires using effective search strategies and leveraging key resources. Here are some final tips to help you secure remote work:

Use Multiple Job Boards

Rather than relying on one site, explore niche boards like FlexJobs and We Work Remotely as well as broader sites like Indeed. Set up alerts and check for new listings regularly.

Tap into Your Network

Reach out to friends, former colleagues, and professional contacts to inquire about potential openings. Attend virtual networking events and join online communities to expand your network.

Optimize Your Materials

Ensure your resume and cover letters are tailored for remote roles. Highlight relevant skills and remote work capabilities to stand out.

Prepare for Interviews

Research the company thoroughly and practice responding to common video interview questions. Emphasize why you would excel in a remote setting.

Stay Vigilant

Be wary of remote job scams. Carefully vet any opportunities and use trusted sites. If an offer seems too good to be true, it likely is.

By following these tips and persistently applying to openings suited to your background, you can successfully land a legitimate and fulfilling remote job. Leverage all the resources at your disposal during your search. Don't get discouraged, and you will eventually find the right remote opportunity.

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